Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tabloid Pulsa Terbaru

Bagi para penggemar gadget dan smartphone tentu sudah tidak asing lagi dengan Tabloid Pulsa yang sudah cukup lama hadir menyajikan informasi seputar harga dan spesifikasi hp terbaru. Tabloid Pulsa ini merupakan salah satu referensi yang cukup banyak diandalkan oleh kebanyakan orang dalam mencari informasi seputar spesifikasi maupun harga sebuah ponsel dan boleh dibilang merupakan pelopor tabloid tentang gadget dan smartphone di Indonesia.
Meski saat ini sudah semakin mudah mencari informasi seputar harga dan spesifikasi hp terbaru melalui internet, namun tidak sedikit orang yang masih setia menantikan terbitnya Tabloid Pulsa terbaru guna mendapatkan informasi terbaru seputar harga, spesifikasi maupun tips dan trik seputar smartphone dan gadget anda. Tabloid Pulsa sendiri saat ini juga sudah dapat diakses secara online melalui alamat www.tabloidpulsa.co.id. Namun begitu, masih cukup banyak orang sibuk dan lebih suka membaca melalui versi offline dengan menggunakan smartphone tercinta.

Berikut saya bagikan link downloadnya versi PDF offline GRATIS : 

Tabloid Pulsa Terbaru

Monday, January 18, 2016

HJ-Split Terbaru

HJ-Split merupakan sebuah program yang berguna membagi-bagi atau memecah suatu file yang berukuran besar menjadi bagian-bagian kecil dengan waktu yang jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan melakukannya dengan Split Rar. HJ-Split ini juga bisa digunakan untuk mengembalikannya seperti semula dengan perintah Join. Adapun file-file yang bisa dipecah atau dibagi-bagi di antaranya file dengan format : .exe, .avi, .mpeg, .zip, .rar, maupun extensi-extensi lainnya.
Software HJ-Split ini mempunyai ukuran yang sangat kecil, yaitu kurang dari 200 KB. Untuk menjalankan Software ini anda juga tidak perlu untuk mengInstallnya karena bersifat portable, hanya dengan double-klik pada file hjsplit.exe maka program akan langsung berjalan. Program HJ-Split yang berjalan akan membawa anda pada main menu yang akan menampilkan fungsi-fungsi di dalamnya. Seperti yang dapat dilihat pada tampilan gambar dibawah ini :


Fungsi-Fungsi HJ-Split :
  • Split : Fungsi untuk memecah File yang ingin Anda Split.
  • Join : Fungsi untuk menggabungkan File yang telah Anda pecah menjadi satu kesatuan utuh kembali.
  • Compare : Fungsi untuk membandingkan ukuran Size dua buah file yang kita tentukan.
  • Checksum : Fungsi untuk melakukan checking File Integrity (Integritas File) untuk memastikan File Anda tidaklah corrupt.
Feature Terbaru HJ-Split :

December 03, 2010

PDF manual
We made available a PDF edition of the HJSplit 2.2 manual. Please see here.

December 03, 2010

New HJSplit Website
HJSplit now has its own domain, www.hjsplit.org. We finished transferring the HJSplit site from Freebyte.com to this new location today. We also updated the design, and re-organized the site into multiple pages.

November 21, 2010

Release of HJSplit 3.1 for Linux, freeware.
New features:

* HJSplit 3.1 for Linux has been re-created from scratch using the programming tool Lazarus / Free Pascal. One added bonus of this change is that HJSplit for Linux is no longer dependent on Kylix libraries that were often difficult to install.
* Instead, just extract the program from its .tar.gz file and run it directly from the file manager or a terminal window. You might first need to adjust the program's file permissions to 'executable'.
* Improved: HJSplit is now able to generate MD5 checksums.
* Added: you can now also specify 'Gigabytes' as units inside the split screen.
* Added: a 'Pause' button to the progress form. If you click on the pause button, HJSplit will pause (but not terminate) the current process (split, join, compare or checksum). Clicking again on this button will resume the operation.
* Added: a 'Cancel' button to the progress form. This allows you to cancel the current operation (split, join, compare or checksum). When pressing 'Cancel' HJSplit pauses and asks for confirmation.
* Added: the progress display now also explicitly includes the current progress percentage (0% - 100%).
* Added: when you cancel a split operation, the split files that were created during this operation will be deleted. This is to prevent an invalid set of split parts being left on your system.
* Added: when you cancel a join operation, the joined file will be deleted. This is to prevent leaving an invalid joined file on your system.
* Added: support for very large files. HJSplit for Linux can now split and recombine files of over 100 Gigabytes.
* Changed: all links pointing to the HJSplit home page (inside the program's main screen and the about screen) have been updated so that they point to www.hjsplit.org (which - at the time of writing this - redirects to the old HJSplit site on Freebyte.com).

November 11, 2010

Release of HJSplit 3.0 for Windows, freeware.
New features:

* Improved: HJSplit is now able to generate MD5 checksums.
* Added: you can cancel an operation by using the new cancel button inside the progress form. When pressing 'Cancel' HJSplit pauses and asks for confirmation.
* Added: the progress display now also explicitly includes the current progress percentage (0% - 100%).
* Added: when you cancel a split operation, the split files that were created during this operation will be deleted. This is to prevent an invalid set of split parts being left on your system.
* Added: when you cancel a join operation, the joined file will be deleted. This is to prevent leaving an invalid joined file on your system.
* Changed: all links pointing to the HJSplit home page (inside the program's main screen and the about screen) have been updated so that they point to www.hjsplit.org (which - at the time of writing this - redirects to the old HJSplit site on Freebyte.com) 
Untuk cara menggunakan HJ-Split bisa dilihat pada video Tutorial berikut ini :
How to use HJsplit **Join .001 .002 .003 Files** 


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

AIMP Terbaru

AIMP merupakan software buatan rusia sebagai pemutar audio. Sebagai pesaing dan lebih ringan dari Winamp,  AIMP  memiliki 18 Band equalizer yang mana kita dapat mengatur kualitas dari musik yang akan ditampilkan sesuai selera. AIMP Terbaru ini merupakan pemutar audio populer yang gratis, banyak orang sudah menggunakanya. Selain sebagai pemutar Audio, AIMP memiliki Utilitas tambahan, yakni Meng convert jenis musik, dengan format WAV, MP3, OGG dan WMA, selain itu juga, tambahan fiture ke dua adalah memiliki fasilitas untuk dapat merekam suara, serta dapat melihat atau mengedit tag dari suatu file audio dan juga yang mengesankan ada fitur Sleep Timer sehingga aplikasi ini bisa terjadwal untuk mati sendiri sesuai dengan waktu yang kita inginkan.
What's new in AIMP v4.00 in comparison with v3.60?

  • Hints are now displayed when changing the slider in the DSP-Manager dialog via mouse wheel or keyboard
  • Formatting templates - list of available functions moved to sub-menu
  • Version number of application has been removed from names of binaries
  • Macros - one-letter / two-letter names of macros are replaced with friendly names
  • Macros - names in menu with macro list are highlighted now via bold font
  • Macros - list of macros for playable file has been expanded, following macros have been added: %AlbumGain, %TrackGain and %Lyrics
  • Macros - list of functions for text manipulation has been expanded
  • New design of application
  • Windows animation no longer inhibits UI
  • Scrollbar thumb jumps to previous position when mouse cursor leaves scrollbar zone
Sound Engine
  • Added an ability to specify the 352.8 KHz sample rate (for devices that support this sample rate)
  • An ability to limit number of attempts to reconnect to internet-radio station when connection is lost
  • Performance of builder for shuffle queue has been increased at 3 times
  • Quick Search - algorithm has been changed: the content that isn't satisfying to a search string hides now
  • Added an ability to rescan tags for selected files only
  • The "move to..." functionality has been introduced
  • The "Find in Music Library" command has been added
  • The "copy to" / "move to" functionality - an ability to save folder structure
  • Smart playlists - an ability to build playlist based on data from Music Library with an ability to filter and group data
  • Smart playlists - an ability to build playlist based on one or few directories
  • Smart playlists - synchronization with pre-image is now works in separate thread
  • Playlist files are now imports each into separate tab if the "open files from external applications" option set to "create new playlist".
Playlists Manager
  • An ability to view size and duration summaries of selected playlists
  • Drag-n-drop support for the preview window has been added
Audio Converter
  • An ability to switch off grouping
  • Support for aften.exe command-line encoder for AC3 format has been added (thanks to Soolo)
  • MP3 Encoder - added an ability to select target sample rate
Tag Editor
  • An ability to select all types of tags by one click
  • Added an ability to copy / paste album art images to / from the system clipboard
  • Added support for multiple values for APEv2, ID3v2, Vorbis Comments and M4A tags formats
  • Added an ability to store custom values to list of the "Genre" edit field
Music Library
  • Integrated into the main application
  • "The" article isn't cut out when adding files in a DB any more
  • An ability to save user mark to tags of file automatically (optional)
  • An ability to combine an empty levels in grouping tree in the "no grouping" mode
  • An ability to find misplaced files automatically
  • An ability to delete automatically non-existed files from data base
  • An ability to specify different columns set for table and card views
  • An ability to adjust height of the alphabetic index control
  • An ability to set user-defined filter for grouping preset
  • Added an ability to send selected files from grouping tree to selected playlist
  • An ability to drag album by its album art
  • An ability to scroll song list via mouse wheel without focusing of it
  • An ability to fast scroll via mouse wheel if Ctrl key is pressed
  • Report generator - support of fields with multiple values has been added
  • The "move to..." functionality has been added
  • File name column displays a name of file without path now
  • Alphabetic index is now supported for all fields
  • Skin support has been added
  • The "no grouping" mode - an ability to fill song list from current folder only (without sub-folders)
  • Now the data are loaded for visible columns only
  • Support of network files has been improved
Skin Engine
  • Potential abilities have been expanded (refer to the help for Skin Editor for more information)
  • API for plugins has been updated to v4
  • Scheduler - sleep timer - an ability to fade out volume
  • Scheduler - the "OK" button has been added
  • SACD - ISO - now the plugin displays both stereo and 5.1 tracks
AIMP 4 - An excellent free audio player with handy extra tools - Download Software Preview


Saturday, January 9, 2016

YTD Video Downloader Pro Terbaru

YouTube Downloader adalah aplikasi untuk mengunduh video dari YouTube, sehingga kita dapat menikmati video tersebut berulang kali tanpa harus streaming kembali. Bukan hanya video di YouTube, kita juga dapat mengunduh video di tempat lain seperti Facebook, Dailymotion, Vimeo, dan 50 situs video populer lainnya. Selain itu, versi PRO YouTube Downloader juga dilengkapi fitur untuk mengkonversi video yang kita download. Kita bisa mengubah file video yang kalian download menjadi iPad Video, iPod Video, iPhone Video, PSP Video, Windows Media Video, MPEG Audio Layer 3, dan lain-lain. Dengan begitu, kalian tidak hanya dapat menikmati video lewat browser kalian, tetapi bisa menggunakan banyak media. Sangat menarik sekali bukan? buat kita yang hobi menonton video di internet sangat disarankan untuk memiliki YouTube Downloader


 Untuk Spesifikasinya dapat dibandingkan fiturnya antara YTD BASIC dengan versi  YTD PRO :


Langsung saya saya kasih link buat download nya via Zippyshare :


 Cara Install YTD Video Downloader PRO :
  1. Install Youtube Downloader
  2. Buka folder crack pilih salah satu, lalu di ekstrak
  3. Copy patch tadi ke folder instalasi C:\Program Files (x86)\GreenTree Applications\YTD Video Downloader
  4. Tekan patch
  5. Selesai
 Jika masih bingung saya kasihkan video tutorialnya, silahkan diikuti setiap langkah-langkahnya :

YTD Video Downloader 5.1.0 + Crack Working 100%

Friday, January 8, 2016

PTE Patch PES 2016 Terbaru

PTE Patch PES16 adalah Patch PES 2016 terbaru yang dapat kita gunakan untuk mengupdate semua pemain di dalam game PES 2016 milik kita. Saat ini sudah banyak sekali orang yang memainkan PES 2016 ini, karena memang memiliki grafik yang sangat baik dan gameplay yang sangat mendekati aslinya. Penasaran pengen tahu apa aja perubahan dalam patch ini, langsung saja lihat trailernya berikut ini :


[PES16] PTE Patch 3.0 - RELEASED 13/12/2015
  • Added Dnipro, Red Bull Salzburg, Anderlecht, Celtic, Fenerbahçe, Besiktas, Plzen, Slovan Liberec & Crvena Zvezda - Fully licensed with correct squads, lineups, kits, faces, stats & acessories.
  • LIGA BBVA Bancomer - Fully licensed with correct squads, lineups, kits, faces & stats
  • Added some missing DP2 players like, S. Samper (Barcelona) or Renato Sanches (Benfica)
  • Added Ascoli Picchio & Virtus Entella to Serie B
  • New kits for Russia, Belgium, Olympiacos, Leverkusen and all Serie B teams
  • Added 70 + New faces - Including the faces for R. Carlos, Figo, Baggio, Kahn & Inzaghi
  • Fixed accessories for more than 70 players in all leagues
  • Fixed the fake players names in all the fake national teams
  • Fixed the fake players names for all fake Brazilian teams
  • Removed all the duplicated players from the game
  • Added a new ball: Voit Dynamo Apertura 15
  • Fixed bugs found in the last version of the patch
  • KONAMI Data Pack 2.0 & Patch 1.03 included
  • Online Compatible
* If you use the extra team mod, download the "Unlock Extra Team" below and read the info before install the PTE Patch 3.0.

  • 1. Bundesliga 2015-2016 Licensed
  • Premier League, Championship, Liga NOS Licensed
  • New teams: Bate, Malmo, Shakhtar, Dinamo Zagreb, CSKA, Astana
  • Kits for all the unlicensed National Teams
  • Real logos and names for all the unlicenced leagues and competitions
  • Added balls, boots and sleeve bagdes 
  • Added photos for all licensed managers
  • UEFA Champions League Structure fixed
  • 12 new stadiums correctly assigned to the respective teams
  • Serie B fixed
  • Patch compatible with the Greek and Russian languages
  • Sider included
  • Patch compatible Online


ZYPPISHARE 1 : http://adf.ly/1TNR8s

ZYPPISHARE 2 : http://adf.ly/1TNRIP

ZYPPISHARE 3 : http://adf.ly/1TNRQL

ZYPPISHARE 4 : http://adf.ly/1TNRTn

ZYPPISHARE 5 : http://adf.ly/1TNRX7

ZYPPISHARE 6 : http://adf.ly/1TNRt6

ZYPPISHARE 7 : http://adf.ly/1TNRch

ZYPPISHARE 8 : http://adf.ly/1TNRiG

ZYPPISHARE 9 : http://adf.ly/1TNRp7


 DIRECT LINK 1 : http://adf.ly/1TQkB1

DIRECT LINK 2 : http://adf.ly/1TQkEv

DIRECT LINK 3 : http://adf.ly/1TQkIj

DIRECT LINK 4 : http://adf.ly/1TQkN3

DIRECT LINK 5 : http://adf.ly/1TQkQe

DIRECT LINK 6 : http://adf.ly/1TQkYr

DIRECT LINK 7 : http://adf.ly/1TQkhk

DIRECT LINK 8 : http://adf.ly/1TQklT

DIRECT LINK 9 : http://adf.ly/1TQkoz

DIRECT LINK FIX: http://adf.ly/1TQktB

[PES 2016] Patch PTE 3.0 : Download + Install on PC 

[PES16] PTE Patch Update 3.1 - RELEASED 18/12/2015
  • Added new kits for Belgium, Bosnia, Sweden, Germany, Partizan & 4th kits for Augsburg and Hertha
  • Fixed the "Online Mode - Licensed"
  • Unlocked all the free agents
  • Fixed more accessories for a lot of players
  • Fixed the fake players names of the Brazilian teams in Libertadores and Sudamerica 2015
  • Added some new faces
  • Fixed other minor bugs
* If you use the extra team mod, read the info inside, before install the PTE Patch Update 3.1


ZYPPISHARE 1 : http://adf.ly/1TgbKV

ZYPPISHARE 2 : http://adf.ly/1TgbRf

ZYPPISHARE 3 : http://adf.ly/1TgbZa

DIRECT LINK 1 : http://adf.ly/1TgyMD

DIRECT LINK 2 : http://adf.ly/1TgyTy

DIRECT LINK 3 : http://adf.ly/1TgyXa

 [PES 2016] Patch PTE 3.1 : Download + Install on PC

Konami, PES Logos, danyy77, buffon99, klashman69, zlac, Jenkey, cabry, fruits, moody, pesmonkey, -InMortal-, gabe.paul.logan, pimplo, donkscrispo, muske25, nemesisk, gasparzinho, VinVanDam, Estarlen Silva, a7med sb, cRoNoSHaCk, barcafan, Tunizizou, ramy, Tasci, Cuky, Maritimo, AMussolini, steadyontherem8, Wens, Tisera09, killer1896, SantyArgentina, Znovik_S, pantelg7, rednik, Kairzhanov_21, spiritusanto, KOH, HD3011, Hawke, Andry_Dexter11, MarioMilan, smeagol75, starvin, juce, NikoLiberty4, boonaun, Txak, Tizziano, TwistedLogic, basilhspa013, Kuzmich, GOALARG, Swoosh1968, Bilgehan Alpaydin, Baris Yerlikaya, Killacarrillo, Shram, PES Arabia, l4vezz1

Special thanks to Brezinho, Ginda, everst9, mckagan22 & Team PES MX

DFX Audio Enhancer Terbaru

DFX Audio Enhancer ini adalah versi terbaru dari DFX yang dapat kita gunakan untuk memaksimalkan kualitas suara yang keluar dari komputer atau laptop kita. Kita yang senang mendengarkan lagu dari komputer atau laptop, pasti ingin sekali jika suara yang keluar lebih bagus dan lebih maksimal. Walaupun kita sudah melakukan pengaturan yang maksimal pada equalizer di media player milik kita, tetapi suara yang keluar masih kurang memuaskan juga. Nah saatnya kita mencoba aplikasi yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas suara output yang bernama DFX Audio Enhancer ini.


DFX Audio Enhancement Features :
  • Advanced DSP Sound Enhancement Effects
  • Speakers and Headphones Optimization
  • Finely-tuned, Customizable Music Presets
  • Dynamic Sound Spectrum Analyzer
  • Powerful Audio Processing Modes
  • Stylish, Shapely Skins
  • Space Saving Mini-mode Interface
  • Presets Backup and Restore
  • Preset Song Associations
  • 5.1/7.1 Surround Sound Support
  • 64-Bit Windows Support
DFX dramatically improves your digital Audio experience with :
  • 3D Surround Sound – Immerse yourself inside the music
  • Stereo Ambience – renew lost stereo depth High Fidelity Restoration
  • Dynamic Gain Boosting – pump up the volume
  • Headphones Optimization – Hear more pleasant, natural sounds with headphones
  • Customizable Music Presets – Select finely-tuned settings for many styles of music
  • Booming HyperBass – produce deep, rich bass sounds
  • High Fidelity Restoration – eliminate that “muffled” sound
  • Spectrum Analyzer – “See” DFX enhance your sound
  • Music and Speech Modes – Get optimized sound for any type of audio
  • Customizable Skins – Choose from hundreds of skins
New and improved features in DFX :
  • Automatic preset selection with associated songs
  • Backup and restore personal presets
  • 10 band Audio spectrum analyzer
  • Improved responsiveness and user control
  • Gadget style user interface option
  • 64-bit Windows support
Berikut Link buat Download via Solidfiles :


DFX Audio Enhancer v12.010 Final Review (2016)

Cara Install : Menggunakan Patch
  1. Instal DFX
  2. Keluar dari program DFX
  3. jalankan patch dengan cara klik kanan lalu pilih run as administrator
  4. klik patch
  5. cari file dfx.exe yang ada di dalam folder instalasi
  6. selesai

Adobe Flash Player Terbaru

Adobe Flash Player adalah salah satu aplikasi yang sangat penting di komputer atau laptop kita. Karena dengan menginstal aplikasi yang satu ini, kita dapat melihat semua konten web interaktif dan konten flash di dalam suatu website. Saat ini hampir semua website menggunakan animasi flash ataupun video, sehingga kita wajib menginstal Adobe Flash Player versi terbaru di komputer atau laptop kita. Jika kita tidak menginstal aplikasi ini, maka kita tidak akan dapat melihat konten flash di dalam suatu website. Apalagi bagi buat kita yang senang memainkan games online atau menonton video youtube, maka Adobe Flash Player adalah aplikasi yang wajib di download untuk plugin browser Mozzila Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, serta sudah support OS dan MAC.

Fitur Adobe Flash Player Terbaru :
  • Stage 3D. Build stunning, blazing-fast cinematic 2D and 3D games. Use fully accelerated GPU rendering, which leverages the power of OpenGL and DirectX graphics.
  • Enhanced mouse control. Create immersive, panoramic games that take advantage of infinite scrolling, mouse lock, relative mouse coordinates, and right- and middle-click events.
  • Concurrency. Create high-performance, more responsive games and ******* using ActionScript workers and shared ByteArray support. Share memory and leverage machine resources by offloading tasks to background workers that run concurrently.
  • Full-screen support. Deliver exciting, full-screen games with full keyboard support across browsers (including Chrome, Firefox, and Internet
  • Explorer) and operating systems (Mac and Windows).
  • HD-quality video. Play high-quality HD video with industry-standard codecs such as H.264, AAC, and MP3. Use GPU hardware optimization and chipsets that scale across all platforms to provide best-in-class video performance.
  • High quality of service. Engage viewers with optimized and adaptive bitrate video streaming as well as an extensive feature set. Support for streaming standards such as HDS, RTMP, and progressive video allows video ******* to be delivered efficiently and flexibly across various network and CDN configurations.
  • ******* protection. Deliver protected premium video ******* using adobe Access, which supports a wide range of business models, including video on demand, live broadcast, HD rental, subscription, and electronic sell-through.
  • Multicore rendering. Build high-performance vector graphics and display true 1080p videos that take advantage of up to four CPU cores.
  • SWF file optimization. Deliver optimized SWF files for faster download through the LZMA compression algorithm.
  • Advanced bitmap control. Deliver smoother animations and interactivity using enhanced high-resolution bitmap support, bitmap caching, and asynchronous bitmap decoding.
Berikut link untuk download nya via Solidfiles :


How to update your flash player 

Adobe Master Collection CC 2015 Lengkap

Adobe memanglah rajanya software untuk masalah pengeditan ataupun desain produk. Dengan produk mereka yang kini telah meraih versi Creative Cloud (CC) 2015, mereka masih mampu bersaing hingga saat ini. Sebenarnya, kamu juga dapat menikmati produk-produk dari Adobe secara gratis dengan mendownloadnya satu per satu. Namun, tentu saja hal itu sangat memakan waktu. Untuk itu, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan Adobe Master Collection CC 2015 secara lengkap.


Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) 2015 ini telah dikemas ke dalam sebuah paketan yang disebut Adobe Master Collection CC 2015 Full Version. Disini, kamu dapat menginstall semua jenis produk dari Adobe CC yang dapat kamu gunakan untuk mengedit Video (Adobe After Effects), Music (Adobe Auditions), Web (Adobe Dreamweaver), Photo (Photoshop), dan masih banyak lagi yang dapat kamu buat dengan Adobe Master Collection CC 2015 Lengkap ini.

Tidak usah kelamaan berikut saya bagikan link downloadnya via Google Drive :

Adobe Master Collection CC 2015 – DVD 1

Adobe Master Collection CC 2015 – DVD 2

Adobe Master Collection CC 2015 – DVD 3

Adobe Master Collection CC 2015 – DVD 4

 Cara Install :
  1. Download dahulu semua filenya, formatnya dalam bentuk File ISO
  2. Kemudian buat New Folder terserah mau dikasih nama apa, copy semua data dari DVD 1 sampai DVD 4 menjadi satu folder utuh, kalau ada file yang sama replace saja.
  3. Setelah itu tinggal Double Click Adobe CC Master 2015 Installer
  4. Jika sudah, jangan dijalankan dahulu programnya.
  5. Buka folder Crack dan copy file patch.exe ke direktori instalasi Adobe ex: (C:\ProgramFiles\Adobe\Paste disini gan)
  6. Klik kanan pada file tersebut, pilih Run As Administrator.
  7. Pilih product-product mana saja yang kamu install tadi dan klik tombol patch satu per satu sesuai produknya secara bergantian.
  8. Selesai.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Cara Memasang Widget Kalender dan Jam Cuteki di Blog

Kali ini saya mau share tentang cara memasang widget kalender dan jam unik dari Cuteki.

Buat kalian yang hobi otak atik Blog jangan sampai ketinggalan yaa....

Pasti kalian penasaran pengen tau tampilan widget Cuteki ini, berikut saya coba kasih screenshootnyaa :


Untuk mendapatkan widget keren diatas kalian cuma harus mengunjungi website resmi Cuteki.

Berikut saya kasih link downloadnya : Cuteki Calenders dan Cuteki Clocks

Untuk cara pemasangannyaa gampang banget, cukup ikuti langkah-langkah yang saya ajarkan berikut ini : 

1. Kunjungi halaman website resmi Cuteki yang sudah saya kasih di link download diatas. 
2. Setelah pergi ke halaman tersebut, kamu akan melihat widget jam Cuteki dengan berbagai jenis karakter yang lucu, Pilih salah satu yang kalian sukai.
3. Lalu setelah memilih salah satu widget Cuteki, akan terlihat tampilan seperti gambar dibawah ini.

4. Atur bahasa dan ukuran widgetnya, kemudian copy semua teks yang berada di dalam kotak.
5. Buka akun blogger milikmu, Kunjungi www.blogger.com.
6. Setelah masuk ke Dashbord, pilih Tata Letak.
7. Kemudian pilih Tambahkan Gadget/Add Gadget.
8. Langkah selanjutnya ialah pilih HTML/Javascript.
9. Pastekan semua teks tadi kedalam HTML/Javascript.
10. Simpan/Save. 

Sekarang tampilan blog kamu bakalan jadi keren banget dan bisa dipamerkan ketemen-temen yang lain.