HJ-Split merupakan sebuah program yang berguna membagi-bagi atau memecah suatu file yang berukuran besar menjadi bagian-bagian kecil dengan waktu yang jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan melakukannya dengan Split Rar. HJ-Split ini juga bisa digunakan untuk mengembalikannya seperti semula dengan perintah Join. Adapun file-file yang bisa dipecah atau dibagi-bagi di antaranya file dengan format : .exe, .avi, .mpeg, .zip, .rar, maupun extensi-extensi lainnya.
Software HJ-Split ini mempunyai ukuran yang sangat kecil, yaitu kurang dari 200 KB. Untuk menjalankan Software ini anda juga tidak perlu untuk mengInstallnya karena bersifat portable, hanya dengan double-klik pada file hjsplit.exe maka program akan langsung berjalan. Program HJ-Split yang berjalan akan membawa anda pada main menu yang akan menampilkan fungsi-fungsi di dalamnya. Seperti yang dapat dilihat pada tampilan gambar dibawah ini :
Fungsi-Fungsi HJ-Split :
- Split : Fungsi untuk memecah File yang ingin Anda Split.
- Join : Fungsi untuk menggabungkan File yang telah Anda pecah menjadi satu kesatuan utuh kembali.
- Compare : Fungsi untuk membandingkan ukuran Size dua buah file yang kita tentukan.
- Checksum : Fungsi untuk melakukan checking File Integrity (Integritas File) untuk memastikan File Anda tidaklah corrupt.
Feature Terbaru HJ-Split :
December 03, 2010
PDF manual
We made available a PDF edition of the HJSplit 2.2 manual. Please see here.
December 03, 2010
New HJSplit Website
HJSplit now has its own domain, www.hjsplit.org. We finished transferring the HJSplit site from Freebyte.com to this new location today. We also updated the design, and re-organized the site into multiple pages.
November 21, 2010
Release of HJSplit 3.1 for Linux, freeware.
New features:
New features:
* HJSplit 3.1 for Linux has been re-created from scratch using the programming tool Lazarus / Free Pascal. One added bonus of this change is that HJSplit for Linux is no longer dependent on Kylix libraries that were often difficult to install.
* Instead, just extract the program from its .tar.gz file and run it directly from the file manager or a terminal window. You might first need to adjust the program's file permissions to 'executable'.
* Improved: HJSplit is now able to generate MD5 checksums.
* Added: you can now also specify 'Gigabytes' as units inside the split screen.
* Added: a 'Pause' button to the progress form. If you click on the pause button, HJSplit will pause (but not terminate) the current process (split, join, compare or checksum). Clicking again on this button will resume the operation.
* Added: a 'Cancel' button to the progress form. This allows you to cancel the current operation (split, join, compare or checksum). When pressing 'Cancel' HJSplit pauses and asks for confirmation.
* Added: the progress display now also explicitly includes the current progress percentage (0% - 100%).
* Added: when you cancel a split operation, the split files that were created during this operation will be deleted. This is to prevent an invalid set of split parts being left on your system.
* Added: when you cancel a join operation, the joined file will be deleted. This is to prevent leaving an invalid joined file on your system.
* Added: support for very large files. HJSplit for Linux can now split and recombine files of over 100 Gigabytes.
* Changed: all links pointing to the HJSplit home page (inside the program's main screen and the about screen) have been updated so that they point to www.hjsplit.org (which - at the time of writing this - redirects to the old HJSplit site on Freebyte.com).
* Instead, just extract the program from its .tar.gz file and run it directly from the file manager or a terminal window. You might first need to adjust the program's file permissions to 'executable'.
* Improved: HJSplit is now able to generate MD5 checksums.
* Added: you can now also specify 'Gigabytes' as units inside the split screen.
* Added: a 'Pause' button to the progress form. If you click on the pause button, HJSplit will pause (but not terminate) the current process (split, join, compare or checksum). Clicking again on this button will resume the operation.
* Added: a 'Cancel' button to the progress form. This allows you to cancel the current operation (split, join, compare or checksum). When pressing 'Cancel' HJSplit pauses and asks for confirmation.
* Added: the progress display now also explicitly includes the current progress percentage (0% - 100%).
* Added: when you cancel a split operation, the split files that were created during this operation will be deleted. This is to prevent an invalid set of split parts being left on your system.
* Added: when you cancel a join operation, the joined file will be deleted. This is to prevent leaving an invalid joined file on your system.
* Added: support for very large files. HJSplit for Linux can now split and recombine files of over 100 Gigabytes.
* Changed: all links pointing to the HJSplit home page (inside the program's main screen and the about screen) have been updated so that they point to www.hjsplit.org (which - at the time of writing this - redirects to the old HJSplit site on Freebyte.com).
November 11, 2010
Release of HJSplit 3.0 for Windows, freeware.
New features:
New features:
* Improved: HJSplit is now able to generate MD5 checksums.
* Added: you can cancel an operation by using the new cancel button inside the progress form. When pressing 'Cancel' HJSplit pauses and asks for confirmation.
* Added: the progress display now also explicitly includes the current progress percentage (0% - 100%).
* Added: when you cancel a split operation, the split files that were created during this operation will be deleted. This is to prevent an invalid set of split parts being left on your system.
* Added: when you cancel a join operation, the joined file will be deleted. This is to prevent leaving an invalid joined file on your system.
* Changed: all links pointing to the HJSplit home page (inside the program's main screen and the about screen) have been updated so that they point to www.hjsplit.org (which - at the time of writing this - redirects to the old HJSplit site on Freebyte.com)
* Added: you can cancel an operation by using the new cancel button inside the progress form. When pressing 'Cancel' HJSplit pauses and asks for confirmation.
* Added: the progress display now also explicitly includes the current progress percentage (0% - 100%).
* Added: when you cancel a split operation, the split files that were created during this operation will be deleted. This is to prevent an invalid set of split parts being left on your system.
* Added: when you cancel a join operation, the joined file will be deleted. This is to prevent leaving an invalid joined file on your system.
* Changed: all links pointing to the HJSplit home page (inside the program's main screen and the about screen) have been updated so that they point to www.hjsplit.org (which - at the time of writing this - redirects to the old HJSplit site on Freebyte.com)
How to use HJsplit **Join .001 .002 .003 Files**
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